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We offer online payments for our clients, if they are paying downpayments or for customized plans that have been discussed and approved by the Senior Graphic Designer.  We have an online secure payment option below.  Thank you.

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
Press the Buy Now button to be redirected to our secure payment site. You can then enter your amount of payment and follow the instructions to pay via credit, debit, or paypal account if you have a paypal. A paypal account is not needed to make your transaction.


When you get to the payment screen enter the amount and then click update so your amount will update and you can then make your payment. Enter credit/debit info and process your payment. We have detailed screenshots below if you are not clear about the process.


You will receive a confirmation email that your payment has been received and processed. On your credit card statement "payment Beyond Excellent" is what should appear, if you have any questons, please call customer service or leave a message on our website LEAVE A MESSAGE Below.

Detailed screenshot below on the payment process:

CALL (678) 7BE-YOND     


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